
Not Him TOO!!!!

November 28, 2009

FRIDAY… time to go home and relax… well that’s what I thought I would be doing instead I receive a call from my mom saying that she’s going to México and that she’s not going to be there by the time that I get back from school. The first thing I thought to myself mmm must be the long weekend but then I just decided to ask… why? Now the following answer I wasn’t expecting. “It’s your grandpa his in the hospital and he only has a couple of day left”. Hhhhhooooollllllyyyy Chetos. First my friends grandma and now my grandpa. As soon as I heard this I just went nuts I couldn’t even pack my stuff to go home. When I did manage to get to the car and started going home I didn’t even realized the speed limit I was going at. It didn’t really matter at that time and I didn’t really care I was just out of it. On my way there I notice a cop that was following someone getting ready to stop him, but I didn’t even stop or bother slowing down I just passed him trough the right lane. After that I didn’t even bother looking on my rearview mirror to see if he was going to follow me and stop me. I don’t even remember how long did it took me to get home as soon as I got home my mom was leaving.  I took her to the airport and she was telling me what had happened. I felt like I needed to go and be with them too. I wanted to go and see my grandpa one more time. But I could I needed to take care of my other brother. To days after my dad get a call from my mom and he leaves to México that same day. He called me telling me that he needed to plane tickets one for him and my uncle. I took them to the same airport and it was like ib been there already and it was the same exact thing all over again. Now I really had to take care of my brother because now it was just him and me on the whole house.



November 25, 2009

I guess that the not a good week. First of all I’m all exited to go to break and shoot some of my friends like I mentioned on the previous blog. Anyways I think that the reason why I’m just so exited is because I really need a break. You see this week my friends lost someone who he loved a lot. The messed up thing is that I grew up with that someone that pass away. I got a change to get to know her and to feel what my friends’ family went throw. You see when I was little I grew up with her because she was the one that took care of me. And she was consider part of my family because everybody knew her and trusted her. She was diagnosed with cancer but it was detected to late. The problem with this is that because of her age she would not be able to stand all the procedures that the doctors needed to do in order for her to still be alive. She was given 6 months or less unfortunately she only lived for about 3 months. Its really hard to let go of someone that you grew up with. This whole thing has been messing with me and I couldn’t even go to school for either Monday or Tuesday on Wednesday I thought I could go back to my old live and just pretend that everything was back to normal little did I know that it wasn’t. I could do anything in school because she kept popping out of nowhere and I would just think about all the things that had happened and why did they happen. My group and I were supposed to give a presentation about race and about how it’s hard for some of a different race to go to school and to keep their grades up. Unfortunately I was unable to even explain my part I found the difference between Illinois and Illinois State University. It turned out that the races that exist in both places are totally different. However I was un able to even make a clear point of what my research showed for the same reason that whole day was a mess and so was the next day.


Shooting my Friends.

November 25, 2009

Yep it’s that time of a year where everyone is just jumping and running and smiling, and being all hyper… I wonder why? O yeah thanksgiving weekend we have that off sssswwwweeeeeaaaatttt. I’m exited I mean I can’t wait until I get my mind out of things. The first thing I’m going to do is call my friends and go out paintballing… yes we are going to be shooting at each other while some of us are hiding other running for cover and of course there’s those new rookies who can’t figure out how to dodge a ball that is shot really fast and hurts a lot full with paint on it. Its always funny seeing someone who thinks that they can get us all just because he is athletic or just because he thinks he’s better than anyone else. I like feeling that tention that you feel whenever you know that you’re about to get seriously hurt but at the same time you’re having fun. And then as soon as you think that there are more people in your team and that you have won the battle its always surprising to see at the end who was the team that “killed” the most.


2 hours drive… it gets boring.

November 17, 2009

It takes me two hours to get from my house to school. And going back and forth every weekend has made me realized…. Everything’s the same. There is absolutely nothing new on the way there or back. Every time I drive to school I know exactly where is there going to be traffic and how long is it going to take to get there now. I also know where the cops are hiding most of the time trying to get us speeders and just give us a speeding ticket. My dad has been working out of Illinois for awhile… well a lot of years. This means that I only see him on the weekends. Every week he goes to work driving and yeah it’s a lot of miles. It makes me think if he notices anything new on the way there or if he’s just like me and just notice that there is nothing else on the road except the same thing over and over again.



November 17, 2009

Stuck…. That’s how I feel now. Have you ever felt so tired that you just can’t do anything else? I have a big problem in my live and yeah it’s not so easy. It’s one of those things where you just have to accept what happened and you have to move on. The question is can I actually move on? I have been like this since last week as soon I heard the news but I’m just trying to not think about it. Its hard knowing that you need to get certain thing done but you just cat doing because you’re “out of it”. It’s like whenever you’re doing your homework you can’t really concentrate and you just stop. All I do is just stare like if I have never seen the objects that are in front of me. I just stare without blinking and don’t realize that I stopped working because of my problem. I’m trying to about this problem and just go nest to it, over it, and even just ignored it but the truth is….. I can’t. This made a big impact in my life and I’m not sure what to do…. Or how to get rid of it so I can just move on and do the things that I need to get done.


Project 4

October 29, 2009

Well believe it or not this is a diverse university. According to this chart Illinois State University have many students from different cultures and background. I really feel like this chart is wrong. I mean according to this chart there are 74 Am. Indian/Alaskan Native, 1043 Black/Non-Hispanic, 400 Asian/Pacific Islanders, 708 Hispanics, 17059 white non-Hispanic ect:.. However I feel that there are less Hispanics here that it shoes. What I’m trying to say is that I don’t really see a lot of Hispanic students. This is really unconformable for me because I come from a community that’s the opposite of these statistics.

I feel really left out because I feel that there isn’t enough Hispanics making it to college. Most of my friends that I graduated with didn’t really make it to college some of them didn’t even get accepted to a community college. I guess that the reason why I’m freaking out is because I’m douching myself if I’m going to make it out of college, if I’m really going to graduate in a field that I want to or am I just going to work in a field that everyone is expecting. A lot of people see a Hispanic and for some reason the first thing everyone thinks about is he works in construction or in a field related to it. When someone sees a white/non Hispanic most of them thinks that he’s working in an office down town.

On the other hand there are a lot of civilians in Illinois. However these numbers are different. I mean there are about 628663 Asians, 1981006 Black, 1877681 Hispanics, 11401410 Non Hispanics, and 1359392 other and 9310030 Whites. The only thing that this is showing us is that in Illinois State University the majority is White. However in Illinois White are the minority and the other races are the majority in population. I find it weird how these numbers are actually the opposite. I mean if you were to see these graphs you would assume that is the majority in Illinois is whites or any other race that they would be the majority in school as well. But instead it’s the opposite which makes me wonder how did many of the deferent races are making it to college and why aren’t they enough. I mean why is it that not about of student graduate from high school and if they do why can’t they graduate from college.


diversityIllinois State University PopulationIllinois Population


Teacher values

October 29, 2009

What do you value as a teacher? (Think about last Thursday’s workshop discussion.)
As a teacher I value the respect that we had with each individual student. We were all taking turns teaching and participating in the activities that each group had come up with in order for us to learn the main point of out assignments.
Were you able to stay true to what you value in this project and still cover the material? If yes, how? If no, what parts of the assignment impeded your ability to teach how you would like (the difficulty of the material, taking a section of the book out of context, the group dynamic, time constraints, etc.)?
I think that my group and i were able to stay true to what i value as a teacher and still cover the material that we were teaching. The reason why i say this is because they were asking us some questions and we would answer them as soon as the student would stop talking. We didn’t just said yes or no we would actually explain the answer and we would show them respect at the same time.
What did other groups do in their presentation, positive or negative, that stood out? Did you have any “a-ha moments” where another group did something you wish you would have thought of? In what ways could groups have improved? Did you have enough to base your “reading” of the book on?
I really like the way that the other groups were organized. I mean I liked playing the games…. for example the one where we had to look up the word on line and fill in the blank in the sentence. I also like the way that we were sort of competing against the other team and a person had to go one by one to gain points.
Would you ever consider doing a read-group-share assignment like this one in your classes? Compare and contrast collaborative reading with your experience of reading texts independently.
Yes. I would actually do this activity in my class a couple of times. I think that not only do the students learn from each other but also the teacher. This is a great strategy for the teacher to interact with the students and for the students to learn a new material in a new way. I mean I don’t think that the student would just want to read off a book and then do an essay about it. This would be a lot easier if the students interact with each other and share their opinions and ideas to the whole class.


Take away or Keep it

October 29, 2009

One of the things that I would take away from the book would be repetition. In the book Pedagogy of the oppressed by Paulo Freire. The reason why I say this is because throw out this book Paulo Freire kept repeating over and over the same thing. Most of the stuff that he mentioned made sense to me. For example he made some good point in the book. One of them was that in order to have a revolution everyone must know what’s going on. “Without a revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary movement”- Vladimir Lenin. This quote clearly states that Revolution cannot be created by individuals but by leaders and the people acting together as a group. I also like the way that the group/book gave examples of how some teachers teach. For example are they just reading and writing or are they actually interacting with the students and learning something new at the same time. This book talks about the type of leaders and the difference between them. I think that another thing that I don’t like about this book is just that it’s hard. It’s hard to understand it because of the vocabulary that it’s used. I had to look up so many words in a sentence just so I could understand what was it that Paulol Freire was trying to tell us.


OLDER or younger????

October 7, 2009

The older you get the more responsibility that you have. I mean is this really true? I mean the older you are the more ways that someone can get you. If you a felony when you are 12 or 13 since your still a minor they can’t really get you in trouble for what you did as if you were to get caught if you were 21 or older. To me the older you are really just means “be more aware” you have to be watching over every little thing that you do or don’t do because you know better what would happen if you don’t. If you were to get caught drinking as a minor with an adult. You would have or pay your ticket, go to alcohol class, and probably even do an essay. However if you are an adult and you were to get caught drinking with a minor. They would probably charge you for selling alcohol to a minor, throw you in jail, go to court and pay for everything that you had to go throw.


Into the Woods

October 7, 2009

I went to see this play and I loved it. I mean it was the first time that I had ever gone to see a play and I really liked it. I like the way that the theater was made. I mean all the details that they had. This play was about a couple who was going to get marry. How even there were some conflicts between these couples and they ran into the woods. I mean the guy run away trying to escape all the drama… how ever the girl went out looking for her but found out that she didn’t really liked him after all. Anyway there were about three or four couples and at the end all of the couple somehow realized that they dint really loved each other. However they found someone else on between the couples. The women who was going to get marry ended up marring another girl. Her sister ended up likening someone else and so on.. and on… and on. I mean this movie was really funny too I mean I was never expecting them to dance all together or the way that this play ended.